GCAA Protection Plan

All in one for you!

Maintenance / Tune-Up / Protection Plan

While often undervalued, regular maintenance is essential to keeping your AC system running strongly, yet efficiently.

After the purchase of your air conditioning system, it is the single greatest investment you can make to extend the life of this frequently used system. 

Our GCAAIR experts will keep your home’s systems fully functional!

Your AC will be maintained and ready to go year-round so you never have to worry about it. And members of GCAA GDPP receive added benefits and discounts so your AC system will be ready for any weather.

Your air conditioning, heating, and drain systems are put under a lot of stress each year.

Running nearly non-stop 12 months a year and undergoing the rigors of hot summer days, these systems will wear down quickly if not properly maintained. 

Call us to Schedule an appointment!

That’s why our maintenance program includes:

There is no better protection than a dog that loves you. Our customers are customers for life.

Why get an
HVAC maintenance program?

While rated for 10 years, an HVAC system that is not regularly inspected and maintained can experience an abnormally high number of breakdowns leading to excessive costs and early replacement needs.

That’s where our GCAA Guard Dog Protection Plan comes in. Preventative maintenance for your HVAC ensures a more efficient operation of your HVAC system, lower energy costs, longer lifespan for your entire system, and fewer breakdowns when you can least afford them. It’s peace of mind for a system that you rely on every single day

Join Today with

GCAA Guard Dog Protection Plan

you will have confidence your home’s HVAC and Drain systems will work throughout the hottest days of summer, the coolest days of winter, and your home is flood free, as well as enjoying preferred pricing and scheduling.







Schedule one of our services

AC Repair

Protection Plan

HVAC Replacement and Installation Service

Air Quality